Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Ultimate Linoleum Block Printing Press

I've heard of people using their cars in lieu of a printing press (sandwich the plate and the paper between two pieces of wood and drive over it) but using a "road roller" is taking it to the next level! This video on YouTube shows some folks in Brighton, England using a small steamroller to make a very large linoleum print. It was apparently a publicity stunt for an arts and entertainment event, the Brighton Festival. This avant-garde printmaking session can also be seen in photos from Fred Pipes on Flickr. Absolutely brilliant! I wonder if any of my printmaking cohorts have access to a steamroller?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Now that is what I need for my MAC Members Exhibit block print. I have been looking for a good way to press my linoleum blocks. My latest block will be displayed soon on Dallas Art News. Cheers!