Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Picture Frame Corkboard Idea

I saw a brilliant idea in the summer issue of The Nest magazine. Yes, I know the magazine is aimed at newlyweds but I didn't realize that when I signed up for my free trial subscription. heh It just goes to show you never know where you'll find ideas that will strike a chord with you. And my husband found a recipe or two that he'd like to try, so it's definitely useful. (Am I sounding defensive? ha ha) Anyway they did a feature with the owners of an online store called The Curiosity Shoppe, which carries some really cute things by the way. Come to find out these two are the Derek & Lauren of Design Sponge DIY Wednesdays fame. So The Nest showed many lovely photos of their apartment and mentioned the above pictured wall covered with photo frames which have cork in them. The suggestion in the magazine is to "Buy frames from a thrift store, spray paint them bold colors, pop out the glass and cut the cork to fit the rectangle." Ingenius says I! You could just switch out the artwork or photos whenever you wanted. I especially like this idea for use as an inspiration board in my office. Much better than a traditional rectangular bulletin board.


Lauren said...

Thanks for checking out the story, and for all the kind words!
Lauren & Derek

Donna said...

Certainly! I'm so happy you wandered over to our blog. You guys are like Crafting Royalty! ha ha

Unknown said...


I've gotta try that corkboard idea. I have a bunch of garage sale frames I've been trying to figure out what to do with them. This is perfect.

Thank you,
Artist in LA LA Land