Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Home is Where You Hang Your Hat

I was very excited to see these Knife Wall Hooks because they go nicely with my Voodoo Knife Block. They're a little pricey (they are a limited edition after all) so I started searching around to see if anyone else was making something similar. This led me to the Stuck On You hook which looks like a saucepan sticking out of the wall:
I also found these arrow hooks and hand hooks :

And then, I found Lightbulb hooks! Made from concrete! I just love these. In fact, I'd like a bunch of them (minus the lag bolt of course) to display in a bowl as a centerpiece. Beautiful!


Unknown said...

Wow. I think you're a girl after my own heart----finding just the right weird things to hand around my place.

Donna said...

Hooray, a kindred spirit! We're always on the look-out for these kinds of unusual things. :-)